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Dangerous chemicals, mechanical safety distance summary

April 07, 2024
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safe distance

1 , safety distance of oxygen acetylene bottle 5M , safety distance of oxygen acetylene and fire source 10M

2. The safety distance when the equipment is not powered off is specified as follows: 10kV and below - 0.7m , 35kV - 1.0m , l10KV - 1.5m , 220kV - 3.0m , 500kV - 5.0m . The safety distance specification refers to the case where the apparatus is removed from the barrier and the normal range of activities of the worker is taken into consideration.

3. The safety distance for blasting flying rocks in highway construction shall not be less than the minimum 200m safety distance specified by the national safety regulations .

4, a distance from the building foundation of the high-pressure gas pipeline are not less than 4 m (medium pressure of 0.4 to 0.8Mpa) and not less than 6 m (medium pressure of 0.8 to 1.6Mpa); distance from the street tree is not less than 1.2 m; It is not less than 5 meters away from the railway rails ; it is not less than 2 meters away from the tram rails ; there is no distance from other roads.

5 , should be more than 2 meters without falling measures to be considered high above ground

6 Safety distance between cranes and overhead transmission lines

When the voltage is 220KV , it is 6M both horizontally and vertically.

Voltage 60 - 110KV , 4M in horizontal direction , 5M in vertical direction

7. Empty bottles and solid bottles between oxygen cylinders should be stored separately, with an interval of more than 1.5 meters and signs.

Landlord this 1.5 meters is a safe distance.

8. Railway line safety protection zones should be established on both sides of the railway line. The scope of the railway line safety protection zone is the distance from the foot of the embankment of the railway line, the top of the slope or the outside of the railway bridge, respectively:

( i ) Urban areas, not less than 8 meters ;

( B ) The residential area of ​​the suburbs of the city shall be no less than 10 meters ;

( C ) the residential area of ​​the village and town residents, not less than 12 meters ;

( d ) Other areas, no less than 15 meters .

9 , fire safety channel 3.5m , single-headed access to the end of the yard

10 , fire brigade bridge height of 5 meters .

11. Safety distance between roads and oil depots is 40 meters

12. The working site at a height should maintain a prescribed safety distance from the overhead line, be more than one meter from the ordinary line , be more than 2.5 meters away from the ordinary high-voltage line , and prevent the conductor material of the transportation from touching the line. The height is less than 2 meters , but below the working site is a slope with a slope of more than 45 degrees. There are pits, wells, rotating equipment or objects that are easy to hurt, working conditions are special (wind and snow weather), mechanical vibration, When working in a room where toxic gases are present, they shall be carried out in accordance with the regulations for work in high places.

High altitude operations that meet the following conditions are special high altitude operations:

In operation reference plane 30 meters (including 30 meters) above the height of the job, high or low temperature, rain and snow, at night, close to or in contact with live parts, no or no reliable foothold footing, sudden disaster rescue, limited space High altitude operations such as those carried out by the environment and high-level operations where toxic and hazardous gases and dust emissions exceed the allowable concentrations.

13 , the distance between the bottles is 8 meters , the minimum must not be less than 5 meters

14. Safety distance between oil depots and industrial and mining enterprises :

Grades I, II, III, IV, and V are respectively 60 , 80 , 40 , 35 , and 30 meters

15. The fire-proof operation area on the construction site is not less than 15M from the living area and not less than 25M from other areas .

16 , according to a variety of electrical equipment (facilities) performance, structure and work needs, safety clearance can be roughly divided into the following four: ( 1 ) the safety distance of various lines.

( 2 ) The safety spacing of transformers and distribution equipment.

( 3 ) Safety spacing for various electrical equipment.

( 4 ) The safety clearance during inspection and maintenance.

500kV : 5m

220kV : 3m

110kV : 1.5m

35kV : 1m

10kV : 0.7m

17, 10 kV high voltage line from the construction of a minimum safety distance of 1.2 m level, the vertical distance of 2.5 meters. In order to protect the lives of tenants, the electricity sector will be increased from 10 meters pole raised to 12 meters or 15 meters.

18. When a high-voltage equipment is grounded, what is the safety distance of the human body's grounding point? The room should be greater than 4 m, outdoor should be greater than 8 m .

19 , indoor lighting of normal drying places, the vertical distance should not be less than 1.8 meters , or use safe voltage

20. On the railway line, both sides must establish the safety protection of the railway line. The scope of safety protection of the railway line, from the filling of the toe of the railway line, to the extrude of the railroad bridge that cuts the slope of the top or flanks is:

( 1 ) urban areas, not less than 8 meters ;

( 2 ) Not less than 10 meters in the residential community on the outskirts of the city ;

( 3 ) The community of villages and small town residents is no less than 12 meters ;

( 4 ) Other areas, no less than 15 meters .

21. When installing temporary lines, the installation height shall not be less than 2.5 meters in the room and not less than 3.5 meters in the outdoors .

22. When the oil pipeline and other pipelines inevitably intersect, the safety distance must not be less than 0.4 meters.

23, height: 1), a job definition height: 2 m from the reference plane falling 2 meters or more jobs;

2 ) Scaffolds above three floors ( 6 meters ) should be equipped with safety nets

24 , the height of the steel ladder above 2.4 meters above the datum must increase the cage ladder !

25. Electric safety regulations: 3.2 road construction roads, two lanes of not less than 6m ; single lane of not less than 3.5m ; trestle, overhead lines below the passage of not less than 5m , materials, waste piles from the drain more than 0.5m .

26 、Scaffolding erection technical specifications of the wall joints must be set at both ends of the open-type scaffolding with wall parts, the vertical spacing of wall elements should not be greater than the height of the building should not be greater than 4m2 steps, the height of the following The single and double row scaffolding should use a rigid wall.

27 , transport roads should minimize the curve and cross. The radius of the curve of a truck shall not be less than 15m in general , and shall not be less than 10m in special circumstances , and have good conditions.

28. When a site road crosses a trench, a firm bridge with reliable railings on both sides shall be erected, and it shall be used only after acceptance.

The width of the pedestrian bridge shall not be less than 1m , the width of the bridge of the trolley shall not be less than 1.5m , and the carriage and the automobile bridge shall be designed and their width shall not be less than 3.5m . Both sides of the bridge should have reliable railings.

29 , Jian'an regulations: 3.2 Road 3.2.7

The on-site motor vehicle should run at a speed limit, and the speed should not exceed 15km .

30. Safety regulations: 3.3 Stacking and storage of materials and equipment 1 ) The equipment shall not be piled up against the walls of the building. There shall be a spacing of 0.5m or more and both ends shall be closed. 2 ) For warehouses with vehicles entering and exiting, the width of the main aisles must not be less than 2.5m , and the channels between the materials must not be less than 1.5m .

31. Time for working in the gas area

Safety license time for working in gas facilities:

When the CO content does not exceed 30mg/m3 ( 24PPm ), it can work longer.

When the CO content does not exceed 50mg/m3 ( 40PPm ), the continuous working time shall not exceed 1 hour.

When the CO content does not exceed 100mg/m3 ( 80PPm ), the continuous working time shall not exceed 0.5 hours.

When CO content does not exceed 200mg/m3 ( 160PPm ), the continuous working time does not exceed 15-20 minutes.

Every time the staff enters the gas leakage area, the working interval is at least 2 hours.

32. The normal range of activity of human body (workers) and the safety distance of live equipment:

10kV and below 0.35 meters

20~35kV 0.6 meters

44kV 0.9 meters

60~110kV 1.5 meters

220kV 3 meters

330kV 4 meters

500kV 5 meters

33. The safety distance between the secondary gas station and ordinary civil buildings is 12 meters . The gas station at the third level is 10 meters . The distance between the gas station and important public buildings must reach 50 meters . The important public buildings include the city and city level. Party and government office buildings above; public meeting places such as gymnasiums, auditoriums, convention centers, cinemas, theaters, indoor entertainment venues, stations and bus stations; communications and command and dispatch buildings such as postal buildings and telecommunication buildings above provincial level; above provincial level Financial institution office buildings; primary and secondary school kindergartens, hospitals and other buildings. General business premises, office buildings, commercial and residential dual-use buildings, and high-rise civil buildings are classified as second-class protections after important public buildings. Its safety distance from the secondary gas station should be 20 meters , and the safety distance from the three-level gas station should be 16 meters .

34. Large and medium-sized dangerous chemicals warehouses should have a reservoir area and a living area. There should be a physical fence with a height of 2m or more between the two areas. The construction distance between the fence and the buildings in the reservoir area should not be less than 5m , and the buildings on both sides of the fence should be satisfied. Fire distance requirements between.

35. Stores for retailing of hazardous chemicals should be kept at a distance of more than 500m from densely populated areas

36. Large and medium-sized hazardous chemicals warehouses should be kept at least 1000m away from public buildings, traffic trunk lines, and industrial and mining enterprises.

37. Technical Specifications for Temporary Use of Electricity on the Construction Site JGJ46-2005


The minimum safe operating distance between the periphery of the construction-in-progress (including scaffolding) and the external overhead line shall comply with Table 4.1.2 .

Table 4.1.2

The minimum safe operating distance between the perimeter of the construction-in-progress (including scaffolding) and the edge of the overhead line

External Line Rating ( KV ) < 1 1 to 10 35 to 110 220 330 to 500

Minimum safe operating distance ( m ) 4.0 6.0 8.0 10 16


It is forbidden for cranes to fly over unprotected external power lines. When lifting near an overhead transmission line, the minimum safe distance between any part of the crane or the edge of the suspended object and the edge of the overhead line shall comply with Table 4.1.4 .

Table 4.1.4

Minimum safe distance between crane and overhead line edges

Voltage ( KV ) Safety Distance ( m ) < 1 10 35 110 220 330 500

In the vertical direction 1.5 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.5

In the horizontal direction 1.5 2.0 3.5 4.0 6.0 7.0 8.5


The distance between the edge of the excavation trench at the construction site and the edge of the cable trench of the external buried cable shall not be less than 0.5m .


When the provisions in paragraphs 4.1.2 to 4.1.4 of this code cannot be met , insulation and shielding measures must be taken and noticeable warning signs should be hoisted.

When erecting protective facilities, it must be approved by the relevant departments, and the line should be temporarily powered off or other reliable safety measures must be taken, and should be monitored by electric engineering technicians and full-time safety personnel.

The safety distance between protective facilities and external lines should not be less than the values ​​listed in Table 4.1.6 .

The protective facilities should be solid and stable, and the isolation and protection of the external power lines should reach IP30 level.

Table 4.1.6 Minimum safe distance between guards and external lines

Line voltage rating ( kv ) 10 35 110 220 330 500

Minimum safety distance ( m ) 1.7 2.0 2.5 4.0 5.0 6.0


When the protective measures specified in Article 4.1.6 of this Code cannot be achieved, it is necessary to negotiate with relevant departments to adopt measures such as power outages, relocation of foreign lines or changes in the location of the project, etc., and construction without such measures is strictly prohibited.


When trenches are excavated near an external overhead line, reinforcement measures must be taken together with relevant departments to prevent the tilting and overhanging of the electric poles of the overhead power lines.

4.2 Protection of electrical equipment


The flammable and explosive materials, pollution sources and corrosive media shall not be stored around the site of electrical equipment. Otherwise, it shall be cleared or protected. The degree of protection must be compatible with the environmental conditions.


Electrical equipment installation sites should be able to avoid object strikes and mechanical damage, otherwise protective measures should be taken.

High drop radius protection distance:

A1 may fall radius represented by R, h represents the height of the foundation, expressed in working height H.

A2 may fall radius R is:

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